Saturday, 3 September 2011

My make up storage! :) (03/09/11)

Hi everyone I've decided to do a post on how i store all my makeup. Ive seen this type of post on lots of other blogs and love seeing how other people do it so i thought i would share mine :)

I would LOVE a dressing table but unfortunately my room isn't big enough so i make do with my chest of drawers. So as you can see its pretty simple, i have a small set of silver drawers which i bought from asda. My main makeup is all stored in the patterned drawers, i got these from WHS ... life saver!

My nail varnish drawer, perfect height so i can have them all stood up. I used to have them in a make up bag and it was a nightmare trying to find a certain one!

A whole drawer dedicated to my ELF mineral makeup which i love!

The other drawers are just random stuff like face cleansers,  nail stuff and my lovely baby wipes!

These are just perfect for storing makeup! i now have two sets a draw for every category! (super organised!) ha ha. I don't know what i did before i got these, i know where everything is which means no rummaging about :)

The ELF brush holders are amazing! more than big enough for my brushes :)

Then i just have my brush cleaner and face wipes on the side, just laziness really ha ha.

So that's how i store my products its nothing special but for me it works! :)

How do you store yours?? xx xx


  1. Those WHS boxes are adorable I wish I had some of the space you had for makeup you really should see the shamefull amount of space I have :(

    I was looking through your old blogs and just wondering have you deleted the blog entry about the foundation from elf? It appeared on my list but when I click it, it says the page cant be found. I would really really apprieciate your opinion on it as I have just purchased it myself!

  2. Ive took over our bedroom with all my stuff :| i love it though ha ha

    yeah i deleted it because it wasnt very good i rushed through it. Ill do a new post today! :):) x
